AI for Healthcare and Defense

Decades of Defense &

Healthcare Experience

CTA has decades of experience in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to mission-critical operations for government and commercial clients, including the aerospace, intelligence, and healthcare domains:  we have developed expert systems for DoD and NASA in support of numerous autonomous space missions; we provided the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) an innovative ontological approach to the “Insider Threat” problem; we have applied advanced analytics and machine learning to classified surveillance and targeting systems.

VFusion™ Early Warning System

The VFusion™ Semantic Enrichment Engine is a powerful domain-agnostic AI tool that provides a compelling concept-map-based user interface to allow subject matter experts to encode their expertise into the tool in the form of knowledge graphs.  VFusion converts these into computable rules that are used in conjunction with machine learning and natural language processing to semantically process and enrich raw data streams to alert users to rule-based conclusions and predict future outcomes.  This new tool is being developed toward decision support system applications in healthcare and defense settings.

A VFusion application is in active development toward early warning of sepsis in emergent and critical care settings. Sepsis is the cause of an estimated 1 in 5 deaths worldwide, approximately 11 million per year and early recognition of this condition is crucial to optimizing treatment and improving survival.  A VFusion-based clinical decision support system has been shown in early hospital data studies to reduce detection time by up to 6 hours.

VFusion COVID-19 Clinical Trial

VFusion is currently being used in a clinical trial with a wearable vital sign monitor to attempt to detect asymptomatic COVID-19 infections in otherwise healthy people.  This work could lead to significant reductions in asymptomatic transmission in the current pandemic and will potentially provide a basis for managing future pandemics.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Air Force Procurement

Legacy systems are pervasive in the military and industry; in many cases replacing or upgrading them is cost prohibitive or operationally infeasible and interacting with these systems can often be inefficient, inconvenient, and error prone.  CTA has implements RPA solutions that automatically fill forms in legacy Air Force Procurement systems, drastically reducing errors and time to complete.  RPA can be augmented with VFusion to implement complex decision trees and workflows.

From intelligent agents that automate airmen’s interaction with legacy mainframe systems to decision support systems that help doctors recognize early signs of COVID-19 infection, CTA is developing cutting edge solutions using artificial intelligence to solve critical real-world problems.  Recognizing that COTS AI focused entirely on data-driven algorithms are generally inadequate for the highly-specialized, high-consequence missions of the critical care medical and national security domains, our data scientists and engineers have decades of experience producing solutions that can pair knowledge from domain experts with a variety of technologies including machine learning, natural language processing, and sophisticated prediction and classification algorithms.

Our team is built with

the best minds from
around the world

Join the team that is constantly seeking new challenges, delivering cutting-edge solutions, and partnering with clients who are changing the world.